Vision, Mission, Values

Our Vision
A community where people of all cultures realise their full potential through textile creations and art.

Our Mission
Our mission is to create opportunities for people of all cultures regardless of their age, gender or ability to develop new skills in sewing, fabric production, and manufacturing, including Gara, tie-dye, and Batik processing.

Our Values
We welcome everyone
We respect diversity
We believe in unity and peace
Everyone has the potential to fulfil their aspirations
Every dream is possible

Commitment to Child Safety
Kontiki Cultural Women Empowerment
- Has zero tolerance for child abuse
- Actively works to listen to and empower children
- Has systems to protect children from abuse, and will take all allegations and concerns very seriously and responds to them consistently in line with the organisation’s policies and procedures
- Is committed to promoting cultural safety for Aboriginal children, cultural safety for children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability

Peter's Story
I am a retiree, and in August 2021 after experiencing more than a year of the lockdowns, I saw the workshop at Sunshine Plaza and decided to drop in and enquire. At first, i thought the program was only for women but Charles made me feel welcome and I started with the group.
During the 2021 lockdowns I remained connected and watched the tutorials online. As soon as the doors opened in November, I came back.
I have enjoyed my time in the program. It has given me the skills I didn't have, I have learnt a lot about sustainable practices and re-purposing of fabric.
The art of tie dye was really unique and I can now repurpose old garments and bring them back to life. The program has also been a great platform to create dialogue between people of different parts of the globe, an opportunity that I would have not had otherwise.
Finally, the program provided the community with great opportunities to understand the
pandemic, to learn the benefits of vaccination and to dispel the misconceptions about Covid-19 vaccination.